Creator First Video Reviews!
The Creator First season will be a three-month experiment to determine the fate of Clubhouse as a platform. Each of these creators has strengths and weaknesses outlined from my perspective in blog form while they performed their pilots.
Now I’m doing video reviews of the winners to explain why they got the grades they did. Check out the first batch from this afternoon before I overheated my laptop.
Thoughts on Creator First
After talking on the phone for an hour with one of the finalists, I softened up my approach and am going back to constructively outlining what’s right and wrong about the Creator First approach.
I also made a bet with one of the Creator First creators about how things will look in 100 days. We’ll see who’s right and touch back on that when the dust settles. For now, here’s some of the individual reviews in video form.
Fizaa Dosani Facial Recognition Comedy
Having already spent a lot of my Clubhouse time in FRC, this was an easy A I didn’t even need to attend the performance for. That’s a good thing, because childish blocking and petty behavior on back channels came close to ruining this night for the star of the show.
Final Grade: A
Elie Ayrouth Food Porn Trading Desk
Elie Ayrouth is a bad example of porting a brand to Clubhouse. He doesn’t interact with the listeners and he promises food porn he never delivers. That makes this another case of Clubhouse creators overpromising and underdelivering. This stale conference call should be avoided at all costs.
Final Grade: C+
Willonius Hatcher The Young and The Thirsty
This radio variety show utilizes everything about Clubhouse to create a wonderful production. It’s a mix of comedy, improv, scripted, and more to truly showcase what the platform is capable of. It’s a shame these talented performers won’t get the support they really need from Clubhouse.
Final Grade: A
Roderic Martin UFOlogy
UFOlogy is everything wrong with Clubhouse — it’s a crop circle specialist trying to convince you aliens exist. The thing is, I believe aliens exist. I’m 100 percent positive of that fact. But I still can’t take any of these jokers seriously. Funding this ridiculous fake news and tinfoil conspiracies from a potato cult is a great example of why I left Clubhouse for Spotify and others.
Final Grade: B-
Tyron Hoisten She Bites
Tyron Hoisten wrote an excellent radio soap drama with vampiric themes for Clubhouse. Every detail is perfect in this obviously professional production. If you’re lucky, you’ll get to hear up to 12 episodes of this show before it ultimately goes defunct from lack of support from Clubhouse.
Michael Rosenzweig and Alissa Miky The Global Lowdown
Final Grade: A+
Taryn Southern Sex, Drugs, and Magical Thinking
Final Grade: A
Originally published at